Msg Format

On the input and get nodes you can have different payload format for the outputs. There are multiple kinds of settings for the data format, the type, the device format and the payload format.

Basic format example

The message will contain multiple properties.


The payload as selected in the payload setting. It’s could be a simple value or an object with key value.


The value set inside the node configuration.

payload_format :new:

Contain what is send inside the payload. Can be complete if the payload contains all attributes of the device or one of the keys of the value. Ex : buttonevent

payload_raw (Only for input node)

Contain the raw data sent by deconz that lead to this msg.

payload_count (Only for get node with maths format) :new:

Contain the count of devices used to calculate the value for the given attribute.


All attributes of the device that send data

meta_changed :new:

Contain an array of all values changed since last time in dot notation. Ex : state.lastupdated

Payload format

The payload format value can be either Complete payload, Each payload or a list of selected value. Be careful, you will get a message per selected value. If you want to have multiple value inside a message just select Complete payload.

Device format

The device format set if the data should be sent one message per device, or one message with all device, or apply some math on the values.

Single x … y … z

The node will send a message per device that send data.

Array [x,y,z]

The node will send a message with all payload inside an array. The message will contain a payload that is an array of single message. Ex msg.payload[0].payload is the payload of the first device. Each element will contain only the properties payload, meta, meta_changed. The properties topic, payload_format, payload_raw will be on the msg directly.

Maths formats

Where is specials format that do simple maths on values. The result will be inside the payload with the same structure as the initial payload. Only numeric values are kept, the values like "1234" are string and not numeric. The meta property will be always an array with all devices. If some devices don’t have all properties the missing one will be skipped for devices that don’t have it.

For examples below the data are:

Device x

  "lastupdated": "2021-09-06T15:39:13.168",
  "temperature": 2500

Device y

  "lastupdated": "2021-09-06T15:39:13.168",
  "temperature": 3000

Device z

  "lastupdated": "2021-09-06T15:39:13.168",
  " humidity": 5570

Sum (x+y+z)

All properties of the devices will be added individually.

Example results

  "temperature": 5500,
  "humidity": 5570

I know adding temperature don’t make sense but could be useful for power usage.

Average (x+y+z)/3

All properties of the devices will be added recursively and then divided by the amount of device that have that property.

Example results

  "temperature": 2750,
  "humidity": 5570

Min X+y+Z = y

The result will be a set of minimal value of each property. Example results

  "temperature": 2500,
  "humidity": 5570

Max X + y + z = X

The result will be a set of maximal value of each property. Example results

  "temperature": 3000,
  "humidity": 5570